It's long been said that if every church took care of one foster child or orphan, there would be more resources than need, commonly known as One Church, One Child.
At Foster Palm Beach, we partner with local faith-based organization to make it easy to help find foster parents, guardian ad litem volunteer child advocates, mentors, and other support. We call this Faith-Based Advocacy and our community partner PBC Unites provides tools for churches, synagogues, and more to easily get involved in foster care initiatives. Flyers, bulletin inserts, bookmarks, and speakers are all available for free!
November is National Adoption Month and internationally a celebration is held annualy called Orphan Sunday. To quote (Christian Alliance For Orphans): "As Christians respond to God’s call to care for the orphan, lives are transformed. Orphan Sunday varies as much as the people and churches involved. You can participate through sermons and Sunday school classes, prayer gatherings, and simple meals, fundraisers and live concerts."
Visit for resources for your foster care ministry.