Foster Palm Beach

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Heavenly Father, the birth of your Son Jesus Christ brought great joy to Mary and Joseph. We thank you for every child whose birth brought great joy into the world. So, we pray that these orphans will bring great joy to the family that will take them in.
Heavenly Father, our prayer is that they grow up healthy in body and strong in spirit, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, we pray for the orphans that they may grow up in families, that as they begin to discover something of themselves and of your world, their gifts and talents may be used creatively, their decisions may be based on what is good and of real worth, and their lives may be directed in the paths you have planned.
Heavenly Father, we pray for their spiritual development, that they may grow up in the fear of God, in the faith of Christ, and in the fellowship of the Church, to love and serve you all their days.
Heavenly Father, grant to our orphan children this gift above all, that as they grow in years, they may grow also in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; so that when the time comes, they may go out into the life of the world strong in the faith of the Lord their God.
Grant these blessings in the Name of Your Son our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen